Nine Senators Ask for a Senate Finance Committee Hearing for The Susan Muffley Act of 2023

In a recent letter, nine U.S. senators from Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and one from Wisconsin, joined together in a bipartisan request for a hearing by the Senate Finance Committee.
The request is to Senators Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Mike Crapo (R-ID), the Democratic chair, and ranking Republican member, of the Senate Finance Committee. The nine senators ask that the Committee hold a hearing on the Susan Muffley Act of 2023 (S.2277).
This is a positive step because some Senate leaders believe that "regular order" should be applied to The Susan Muffley Act. This term is defined as semi-strict or strict application of committee and subcommittee processes, including public hearing opportunities and the holding of multiple votes.
Delphi salaried retirees and their family and friends in each of these five states can send "thank you" emails to the senators who signed the letter. The messages are identical to all nine senators, but can be customized if desired.