UAW President Writes Congressional Letter Urging Passage of Act to Restore Delphi Pensions

UAW President Ray Curry Writes Congressional Letter Urging Passage of the Susan Muffley Act to Restore the Pensions of Salaried Delphi Employees. ~ “Congress has an opportunity to restore full pension benefits to over 20,000 salaried Delphi employees. These hard working coworkers of UAW members suffered significant losses to their earned benefits, with some losing as much as 70% of their benefits. We strongly urge Congress to pass this legislation that would pay the difference between the pension benefits earned by Delphi salaried retirees and what they received following the GM bankruptcy in 2009. It is long overdue.” ...     UAW letter of support

Congressman Dan Kildee Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Restore Retirement Benefits for Delphi Salaried Retirees

Congressman Dan Kildee, Chief Deputy Whip of the House Democratic Caucus, today introduced the Susan Muffley Act, new bipartisan legislation to restore retirement benefits to over 20,000 Delphi Salaried Retirees. ~ Congressman Kildee’s legislation—supported by Republicans and Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate—would restore the terminated pensions, making these hardworking retirees whole. ...     Full press release   Press conference video   Retirees interviews   House Bill H.R.6929   Senate Bill S.3766 

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DSRA Disappointed with U.S. Supreme Court Denial of Petition

Delphi Salaried Retirees Association Board Chairman Bruce Gump this morning expressed profound disappointment that the United States Supreme Court has declined to hear the DSRA appeal concerning the involuntarily terminated Delphi Salaried Pension Plan. That termination in 2009 affected nearly 20,000 seniors who worked as salaried employees for the then Delphi Corporation. DSRA News Release ...